Data from the Public Security Institute (ISP) show that Rio recorded a 25% reduction in the number of violent deaths in the first quarter of this year, compared to the same period in 2023. The index includes homicides, robberies, and bodily injuries followed by death and death by the intervention of a state agent. Between January and March this year, 951 deaths were recorded.
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Intentional Homicides
The number of intentional homicides also reduced this quarter, reaching the lowest level since 1991. In total, there were 766 deaths — 16% less than the same period last year. Deaths caused by State agents also registered a significant drop of 53%. In March, there were 41 deaths, the lowest for the index since 2013.
Cargo Robbery
According to the ISP, cargo robbery numbers also fell in the first quarter of 2024, reaching the lowest level since 1999. On the streets, police seized 1,592 weapons in these first three months, an average of 17 per day.
Recent Seizure
The most recent seizure was of a shipment of drugs and weapons on Rodovia Washington Luiz, in Duque de Caxias, which was destined for Favela da Rocinha, South Zone of Rio. The community is dominated by Red Command (CV). Inside the vehicle, police found five rifles, two pistols, ten chargers, marijuana with the flags of five countries, and a skunk.
International Arms Trafficking
This seizure brought evidence that weapons produced outside the country are being used to strengthen the military power of organized crime in Rio de Janeiro. This is because preliminary information from the Federal Highway Police reveals that four rifles seized were manufactured in Serbia, in Europe. A fifth rifle is nationally manufactured, but bore a Venezuelan coat of arms, indicating that it had possibly been diverted from a security force in that country. The seized pistols were produced in Austria.
Rifles Seized in 2024
On Sunday (21/04), the newspaper O Globo revealed that, between 1 January and 16 April, the Military Police seized 183 rifles in the State of Rio de Janeiro. According to the survey carried out by the PM, 101 of these weapons were found in communities with territories under the control of the CV. Another 42 rifles were in favelas controlled by the criminal faction Third Puro Command (TCP), and 13 were in areas commanded by militiamen. The rest were seized in locations controlled by the Friends of Friends (ADA) faction or in points without a specific gang. This exceeds the amount of 179 rifles seized in São Paulo, in 2023.
Data provided by the Public Security Institute (ISP) reveals a mixed scenario of progress and challenges for public security in Rio de Janeiro. The 25% reduction in the number of violent deaths in the first quarter of this year is positive news and indicates some success in measures to combat crime.
However, the discovery that weapons from abroad are being used to strengthen the military power of organized crime, particularly the Red Command indicates the extensive capillarity of organized crime to source out the needed equipment to maintain its wars. Furthermore, the presence of foreign-made weapons is no novelty. Studies have already shown that weapons made in the US and in Europe are the majority of the armament used by criminals in South America. The incident serves to reinforce the understanding of the importance of the international trafficking network in fueling violence in Rio de Janeiro and, at the same time, the level of inefficiency of international and national law enforcement agencies.