06/02/2024 – A man was arrested for impersonating public function and illegal carrying of a firearm in the Centre of Macaé. Indeed, the officers were investigating the car of a suspect of firearm shots when they saw the man threatening another policeman for a fine. The detectives controlled the man and found on him a Civil Police Detective distinctive (amid others fakes distinctives) and a pistol with ammunitions at his belt.
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16/02/2024 – Police caught red-handed 3 suspects of drug trafficking in Sol e Mar, South of Macaé. Indeed, during an investigation, the detectives noticed a suspect activity of 3 men. As the officers were getting closer, they could witness a drug sale. They arrested the 3 and seized an important quantity of heavy drug. The suspects were taken to the precinct and placed in custody.
16/02/2024 – Police reacted promptly and caught a bandit for homicide attempt in São José do Barreto, East Macaé. Indeed, the man aggressed a woman with a hammer because of a disagreement concerning a cell phone trade. The man was caught in a bus as he was running away. As the victim was hit 5 times in the skull, she has been admitted to the ER in critical condition of health. The man was placed in custody.
22/02/2024 – The Federal Police (PF) arrested a helicopter pilot at the Airport of Macaé. Indeed, the PF was on a joint operation with the Civil Police of São Paulo to dismantle an organization of international drug trafficking between Bolivia, Paraguay, and Brazil. Another helicopter pilot was arrested in his residence. The helicopters used for the traffic did not have any certification to fly or flight plan. The operation also involves warrants in 4 other states of Brazil. This step of the operation also dismantled a clandestine workshop for the construction and maintenance of aircraft. Until the publication of the article, 16 suspects were arrested of the 65 targets of the 47 search and seizure warrants and the 18 arrest warrants.
22/02/2024 – Civil Police quickly reacted and caught an assailant with a knife in the Centre of Macaé. The man was armed with a knife and attempted to rob the cell phone of a woman. She succeeded in escaping from him. The police saw the action and arrested the bandit. He was taken to the precinct where the detectives noticed he had an important record for robbery, theft, and aggression. He was immediately jailed.
24/02/2024 – The police arrested a fugitive in Virgem Santa, central area of Macaé. Indeed, the man was running from justice as he was charged with a triple homicide attempt on his ex-wife and her 2 children by the end of January 2024.
26/02/2024 – A denouncement call led the police to seize a significant quantity of cocaine in Fronteira, littoral area of Macaé. Indeed, the tactical teams of the 32nd Battalion of Militar Police invaded an abandoned house and seized more than 4500 doses of cocaine, plus 1kg of the drug divided in 2 plastic bags. The article does not inform if some suspect was arrested, but the loss for the gang has been estimated in R$ 150k.
- After dark, avoid Glória and the Centro (Downtown).
- After dark, avoid walking alone in Praia Campista and Cavaleiros.
- Avoid Lagomar, Barra de Macaé, Engenho da Praia, Planalto da Ajuda, Ajuda de Cima, Ajuda de Baixo, Morro de Santana and Morro de São Jorge (in Paraíso), Fronteira, Jardim Maringá, Barra, Nova Holanda, Malvinas, Botafogo, Aroeira, Parque Aeroporto and the surroundings of Favela da Linha (in between Visconde de Araújo and Cajueiros), as risks of collateral damage and assault are high in these areas.
- As much as possible, restrict movement in the districts of Novo Horizonte (in Vale Encantado) and Parque Aeroporto. Do not walk alone in these areas and use only licensed taxis.
- Be careful when walking downtown, avoid exposing valuables.
- Be always cautious, including in areas perceived as safe.
- Avoid any display of wealth (jewelry, cell phones), but always carry a small amount of money (R$50) to hand.