23/02/2024 – A 32yo woman was shot dead in a store in Guaratiba, West RJ. According to witnesses, 2 militiamen entered the shop and were racketing the victim. As she did not pay the “security tax” the bandits hot at her. She died on the local.
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24/02/2024 – A man was arrested by the Federal Police (PF) with 5kg of cocaine on a cruise ship in the port of RJ. The ship was coming from Ilheus, in Bahia, where the PF of Bahia State had arrested the bandit´s sidekick with an important quantity of drugs. As they had sent a warrant for the man during the cruise, the RJ PF agents boarded while the ship was docking.
25/02/2024 – Police arrested 72 supporters during fights amid a football Classics in Maracanã, in the center area of RJ. According to the police, numerous of the detainees belong to hooligan clubs and were judged prohibited from accessing the stadiums. Inclusive, one of them was pointed to be the president of one of these clubs. The police also found explosives artifacts, stones, wood sticks, and access tickets with the hooligans.
25/02/2024 – A 20yo off-duty soldier was murdered in Manguinhos, North RJ. According to witnesses, the young man was with friends in a barbershop when an apparently drunk man started a discussion with the group. Then, he grabbed a gun and shot various times at the young soldier. Thanks to the witnesses, the detectives already identified the assassin.
26/02/2024 – A police officer was wounded in the head in Irajá, North RJ, as he reacted to an assault. According to witnesses, he was in his car when 2 bandits on a motorcycle announced the assault. As he reacted, he was shot in the head. The bandits fled without taking anything from their victim. The cop has been rescued to the hospital in a severe condition of health.
26/02/2024 – A lawyer was executed in the Centre of RJ. According to the police, the victim was walking by the sidewalk with a colleague when a man got out of a car and went directly to him. Witnesses told the detectives the victim was named by the bandit before the execution. According to the first elements of the investigation, the assassin took only 14 seconds to commit the crime.
27/02/2024 – The police led a large operation in different slums of the Carioca Capital. Indeed, the operation, which included troops of the Militar Police (PM) and the Civil Police, aimed to seek and catch the leaders of the Comando Vermelho gang (CV), responsibles for the last days’ shootouts in the city. The targeted places are: Complexo da Maré, Complexo do Alemão, Complexo da Penha, Vicente de Carvalho, Inhaúma, Brás de Pina, Cordovil, and Cidade de Deus. Until the publication of the article, 7 bandits were killed and 5 were arrested, 2 officers were wounded.
29/02/2024 – Two detectives were arrested in Taquara, West RJ, for the invasion and burglary of a house in Vaz Lobo, North RJ. According to the investigation, the agents went by the end of January 2024 to check a denouncement call about a traffic of abortion pills. Not finding the suspect, the detectives went to the address of the reporter and invaded his house. There, they stole R$ 9k, a pistol and its documents, a wedding ring, and his driving license. The detectives have been suspended from their functions and their gun licenses. They also have been charged with armed criminal association, authority abuse, theft, and peculation.