City hall survey pointed that the “flux” in Cracolandia, in the Centre of SP, increased by 42,4% from July to December. Indeed, in the first half of the year, the flux was estimated in 370 users versus 527 users in the second period of the year. The drug users now occupy 12 streets of the historical centre of SP. City Hall used drones to monitor the flux of drug users.
01/12/2023 – A Hong Kong citizen has been arrested by the Federal Police, with 15kg of cocaine, in SP International Airport, on a flight to Paris. The Federal Police suspected the man during the interview. They then asked for a further control of his luggage, where they found the drugs hidden in toothpaste, hair products and candles. In 2023, until October, the police has found 2,5 tons of drugs in the airport.
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02/12/2023 – 17yo teenager has been arrested in Vila Prudente, east SP, driving a stolen luxury car. The pursuit began in São Caetano do Sul, but the young man told the police he stole the car in São Bernardo dos Campos. The chase began when a police patrol noticed the car was stolen. The young criminal and his colleague have stolen some jewels and cell phones from a couple.
03/12/2023 – A 27yo woman has been arrested for having kidnapped her neighbour´s baby, in Brás, SP Central area. The case began on the day before, when her neighbour let her baby to the suspect just the time to make her groceries. At her return home, the woman and the baby disappeared. The police found them the day after, upon denouncement. The baby has not been mistreated, and the police found the suspect is a fugitive. She has been placed in custody.
03/12/2023 – A Police officer killed his wife with 2 shots in the middle of the street after a discussion, in Perus, North SP. The whole scene has been recorder by a security camera. The couple had a dispute and the husband started to strongly punch his wife and then he grabbed his gun and shot 3 times at her. 2 of them have killed her on the spot. As the neighbourhood started to join the crime scene, the man took his dead wife and brought her to the ER. He has been placed in custody to wait for his trial.
03/12/2023 – A police officer has been arrested cheating in a written examination for Forensics, in Liberdade, Centre SP. The controllers of the exam suspected the man as they heard some radio noise around his table. When they passed the metal detector, they found a receptor and a micro camera hidden in his wearing. The man has been placed in custody for criminal associations and fraud.
04/12/2023 – Famous fast-food unit has been vandalized by “motoboys”, in República, Centre SP. According to the police, the violences began with a discussion between delivery application motoboys and employees of the restaurant. Then, others motoboys joined the first group and started to throw stones and wooden bars inside the fast-food. 2 police officers were present on the spot but as they were under numbered, they ask for backup and protected the clients of the hotel aside. The delinquents ran away when a police patrol car arrived on the scene. Nobody has been arrested.
05/12/2023 – An robbery in Itaim Bibi, South SP, went wrong for the bandits as an off-duty State congressman´s security officer reacted to protect the victim. The action occurred at a red signal as 3 outlaws tried to carjack the victim. The security officer was in his car just behind. He then got off his car and start shooting over the bandits. One fell down wounded and the 2 others ran away. The injured criminal has been rescued and placed in custody yet at the hospital.
06/12/2023 – A lawyer from RS visiting SP has been assaulted at a red signal in Consolação, Centre SP. The assailant was on a motorcycle with hidden plates and used the red signal to rob a luxury brand watch from his victim. The bandit escaped by running on the sidewalk. The victim did not want to deposit a complain at the police.
08/12/2023 – In Mogi Das Cruzes, São Paulo metropolitan area, the owner of an air-conditioned company received a parcel bomb that exploded in his office. He has been injured at the face and at the hands. The police suspect a former employee and has already caught him to hear his deposition.
10/12/2023 – A Congresswoman and her adviser have been victims of a robbery attempt in her car in Bela Vista, Centre SP. They were exiting an event at the Bakers´ Syndicate when a man broke the window of the car, injuring superficially the congresswoman. The bandit did not take anything as the woman quickly threw her cell phone on the ground of the car. The criminal ran away.
10/12/2023 – A man has been sniped down by the police while maintaining his wife in hostage in their residence in Pinheiros, Centre SP. Many neighbours heard a wild dispute between the couple and their child asking for his father to stop hurting his mom. The police have been called for action and sent the GATE (the SWAT of São Paulo). The boy has fled to a neighbour´s apartment before the arrival of the officers. There were 40 minutes of negotiations before the intervention. The man has been shot twice in the chest and died on the spot. His wife has been rescued unharmed.
10/12/2023 – 22yo young man has died stabbed in a robbery while he was returning from his own birthday in Luz, SP Historical Centre. He and 2 more friends were in front of the subway when 5 bandits announced the assault. The young victim refused to give his cell phone and received 2 stabs, including one in the chest. His friends called the police, who rescued the victim. He died at the hospital. The criminals fled.
11/12/2023 – An armoured car has been assaulted on Rodovia dos Imigrantes, in São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo metropolitan area, by 7 bandits armed with rifles and explosives. The assailants stopped the traffic on the highway to commit their larceny. They surrendered the 4 security officers and exploded the car to heist an estimated amount of almost a million BRL. The security officers have been released after the crime.
12/12/2023 – Dr Roberto Kalil, famous cardiologist and President Lula´s personal medic, has been robbed by 3 criminals while entering the garage of his office in Bela Vista, Centre SP. The bandits followed Dr Kalil on motorcycles; 2 chased him inside the parking of his office while the 3rd stayed outside for sentry. They took his wedding ring, a pair of eyeglasses and a high luxury brand watch, offered by the Sheik of Dubai. A security officer of the office shot at the bandits, but they ran away. A few moments later, the police of Taboão da Serra, West suburb of SP, caught a suspect and placed him in custody.
14/12/2023 – PF launched a big joint operation with the PM to get bandits from the PCC for planning to hunt, assault and kidnap government´s authorities. The police had to fulfil 3 preventive warrants and 16 search and seize warrants. The suspects were conducted directly to the PF HQ of SP. This joint operation was the second chapter of a bigger operation started in March 2023, after a Senator and a Promotor have been threatened.
15/12/2023 – A man died ran over by a train after a generalized fight inside the train in Jardim Maratazzo, East SP. Indeed, first elements of the investigation pointed that the fight began with a disagreement about a preferential seat. Once the discussion generalized, the emergency break has been activated and the doors opened. Passengers started to leave the wagon and jump into the rails, between 2 stations. When the 64yo victim got off, was caught by another train. He died on the spot.
16/12/2023 – Female detective and 2 men were shot dead in a shootout, in Jardins, West SP. The officer was with her partner investigating crimes in this noble hood of SP, when the owner of the mansion, who had a gun permit, and his security started to shoot at them. The woman was shot three times and died. Yet, the 2 other men were shot by her partner.
16/12/2023 – Penitentiary agent shot dead a colleague during a fellowship lunch in a bar in Belém, East SP. Both were discussing when the 59yo victim pushed the shooter to the ground. At this moment, the criminal shot 4 times to his colleague who fell dead on the local. The shooter ran away and is now a fugitive.
16/12/2023 – Federal congressman reacted to an armed assault and killed one bandit, in Interlagos, South SP. The congressman, son of the President of the Municipal Chamber of SP, was with his spouse when 2 men on a motorcycle announced began the robbery. The politician, also armed, reacted, and killed one. The police is investigating the case.
17/12/2023 – “Baile Funk” in Grajaú, South SP, ended with police chase, a shootout, and people injured. A Police patrol was on their way to check a noise complaint when they saw 2 men with a strange behaviour running away from the spot. The officers decided to get off their car and control the suspects when those began the shootout with the cops. The 2 officers and a passing by man have been injured. The 2 outlaws ran away.
18/12/2023 – A famous TV host has been victim of a home burglary in Morumbi, South SP. The bandit surrendered an employee of the victim, invaded his house. Once they perceived the criminal was not armed, the presenter started to fight with the outlaw, and immobilized him. When the police came to the residence, they caught the suspect and placed him in custody.
19/12/2023 – Three criminals robbed a department store in Morumbi, South SP. Two of them entered the store an surrendered the employees with a toy gun, while the 3rd criminal remained outside watching for any police unit. A Police patrol arrived surrounded them, who were later arrested. The officers recovered 105k BRL in merchandise and cash.
21/12/2023 – 15yo teenager has been injured during a robbery in Pompeia, West SP. The young man was arriving at the house of his girlfriend with his cell phone in hands, when 2 bandits on motorcycles announced the assault. The boy reacted and was shot in the belly. Once down the criminals kicked him rudely until inhabitants shouted for help. The bandits ran away before the police and ER could arrive on the scene. The boy has been rescued but his state of health has not been informed.
23/12/2023 – An anonymous call led the police to seize 18 submachine guns in Paraisópolis, South SP. The officers went to an open sky parking to control two armoured cars. In one, they found 18 rifles, drugs, tactical gears, and ammunitions. Nobody has been arrested.
25/12/2023 – 19yo motorcyclist died in Brasilândia, North SP, after being injured by a modified kite string. He and his girlfriend were passing by a frequented avenue when was injured at the neck by a “cerol”, a modified kite string with glue and smashed glass and marble. He died on the spot. His girlfriend suffered light wounds.
25/12/2023 – 7 inmates fled from the pre-trial detention centre in Tatuapé, East SP. They broke a fence, a door, and a window, surrendered a guard, and robbed his radio and his shoes. According to the SP public security secretary, the detainees were from the semi-open regime and as soon as they are arrested will go back to the closed detention regime.
26/12/2023 – 1yo baby girl has been shot in the face by PM with an airsoft gun in Itaim Paulista, East SP. Baby was on a motorcycle with her father when they drove by a police patrol car. One of the officers on board stopped the vehicle and shot once at the motorcycle, hitting the baby. Her family took her to the hospital where she had to pass on surgery to remove the bullet and to suture the wound. Investigation is in progress to find the police officer who shot and why he was wearing a gun that is not part of the official gear.
28/12/2023 – 43yo man has suffered a homicide attempt in front of a famous lounge bar in Casa Verde, North SP. The investigation pointed out that the victim had an argument the day before with a group of 4 men. The group left and returned to the bar and shot at the victim. He has been rescued and taken to the hospital. The victim died at the hospital.
- Stay away from any protest most likely to occur in the city center, including Avenida Paulista, the MASP, Praça do Ciclista, Praça da Sé, Largo da Batata and Praça da Republica.
- Attention when walking downtown São Paulo, especially in Liberdade and Sé districts. At night, these regions are no-go zones.
- Monitor the local media in order to circumvent protest locations, including social media.
- If caught in a demonstration: remain still and take the time to see which way the crowd is going; attempt to leave the area by going against the movement of the crowd; avoid using your mobile phone, taking pictures or filming the demonstration; go to the nearest building as soon as possible and wait until the situation clears; try to avoid contact with security forces if possible.
- Considering the high crime rate of some locations in São Paulo, business travelers and expatriates should comply with safety rules in order to reduce the risk linked to violent crime. In case of an assault, it is strictly recommended not to resist and avoid making any sharp movement that may irritate criminals, who do not hesitate to open fire.
- Avoid, if possible, circulating through the neighborhoods in the East Zone and peripheric neighborhoods in other zones due to the high rates of various crimes.
- Pay attention when trying to meet new people on the internet as criminals use the dating apps and social networks to apply scams.
- Due to several police operations, drug users previously concentrated in a region called “Cracolândia” have spread across downtown, leading to an increase in petty crimes. Hence, avoid walking around with your cell phone in your hand, in addition to wearing jewels and expensive watches.
- The number of express kidnappings has increased lately due to a new method (PIX) that allows people to easily transfer money using bank apps. Cooperate in order to mitigate the risk of violence.
- Attention to the windows when inside a vehicle. Keep them closed, as criminals use heavy traffic to rob passengers that expose valuables.
- Keep in mind useful numbers: Emergency police number (190), and São Paulo tourist Police (+55 11 3120 4447).